Midi Playing....Can I Have This Dance.
I Loved You
That special day that I got your poem
We had been together for 10 months,
I was scared of falling in love with you
I was scared of being hurt again.
But then you proved your love to me
I believed in you and trusted you,
I wanted to be with you always
My love for you would grow.
We built our house together
Everything was just great,
The following November,
That was our wedding day.
We were so happy
I thought our love would last
but then, somewhere, somehow,
Things went wrong.
I only wanted you to be happy
Happy with me and our lives together,
But there were others to disrupt our lives
It should have been just me and you.
Well, it's all over now
We each live our separate lives,
But I'm glad I was able to share
Those precious years with you.
....Take care always My Dearling....
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