Midi Playing.......Pansflute



A homeless Bad Habit went searching one day
For a spot where it snugly could settle and stay,
It hung around Fred's door for three hours by the clock
But never had the courage to step up and knock.

The place was too busy and crowded, you see
There were lessons and games, there were books to be read,
And no time to idle from breakfast to bed.
"I might push my way right in," thought the Habit, "but then
Every corner is filled, I'd be turned out again.
It's no use to hang 'round, this is no place for me,"
And it went off as downcast as downcast could be.

But Jim's door stood open, not far down the road
No crowd was about it, no bustle it showed,
The hall stood deserted, the study was bare
And the Habit stepped in with a satisfied air.

"Ah, here's what I want," it remarked with a grin
"I can settle in peace, and grow into a sin.
Jim's life is so idle and empty, I see
That it's just the right home for an inmate like me."

So it stayed and grew till it filled the whole place
And owned Jim in the bargain, and bought him disgrace,
Poor Jim! Other boys too should keep a lookout,
For many Bad Habits go searching about!

--Author Unknown--