Midi Playing....Nobody's Darling But Mine


The Waterfall

Here sitting by the waterfall
Thinking thoughts of you,
Wishing you were here with me
Our dreams would all come true.

All those things we talked about
Things we want to do,
Sharing our lives together
Forever, just me and you.

Holding hands and laughing
Happy to share our love,
Knowing we were meant to be
This love has come from above.

But all this is just a dream
A dream of me wanting you,
To love you and be loved
Please tell me what to do.

I'm so confused, please help me
I thought our Love was true,
I believed in you and trusted
I really am feeling blue.

I guess now it's all over
We each go our separate ways,
never to be with each other
Although my Love for you will stay.....

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